The Bloggers Book Club

This is the no pressure book club. If you have read a great book, blog about it, and if we are interested in it we will read it and comment about it. It's that simple. See, no pressure, no monthly meetings, ah!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Over A Thousand Hills I Walk With You

This book affected me like no other book has. Over A Thousand Hills.... tells the story of Hanna Jansen's adopted daughter Jeanne. Jeanne grew up in Rwanda. Her family had a good life until one evening when they were driven out of their homes. Members of the Tutsis ethnic group were victims to mass genocide. Jeanne witnesses the brutal deaths of friends and families by people she grew up with. Jeanne was the only one in her family to survive. She witnesses unspeakable acts that we can not even imagine and yet through out everything she has to endure her will to survive is amazing. This is an incredible book that will affect you long after you are finished.


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