The Bloggers Book Club

This is the no pressure book club. If you have read a great book, blog about it, and if we are interested in it we will read it and comment about it. It's that simple. See, no pressure, no monthly meetings, ah!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Oh Sandra Brown. I love her. She has been my favorite author since 1993. Back then, I read all her syrupy romance novels, "smutt books" is what my ex-husband called them. I transitioned with her into suspense thrillers. But alas, Sandra's writing style has become mundane and predictable. The same basic plots. She can't even put a twist or a turn in there, that I don't see coming from a mile away.
If you have not read many of her books, then this is surely going to be a good one. But if you are a seasoned reader of Ms. Brown, then I am afraid you will know how the story ends by the middle of the book.
It starts off entriging enough. The judge and his trophy wife have a night-time intruder. The police dectective and his spunky partner investigate the case. The detective is attracted to the trophy wife. Blah, blah, blah. I'm just getting tired of Sandra Brown's writing style. I think Emily Griffin has become my new favorite author.

Something Blue

Thank you to Monet. Your post got me up off my lazy horse and got me to post my two reviews because I am the world's worst procrastinator.
I finished Something Blue, the sequel to Something Borrowed. This book tells the story of the friendship of Rachel and Darcy, from Darcy's perspective. I was a bit worried going into this book because the friend I borrowed it from said she did not enjoy this book. She warned me that the Darcy character is so self-centered, that it becomes more of a burdeon to read the story.
This was simply not the case for me. I loved it. The storyline was not predictable at all. It is not a suspense novel, but I felt myself becoming engrossed in Darcy's life and her decisions. I couldn't wait to see what awaited her. A couple of funny twists make this book very entertaining.

The Wizard of Seattle

Ok so I'm not good at writing about books but I do read a lot! :) I just got this one finished and I loved it. I'm into the fantasy/romance thing right now! It also has some *ahem* parts in there that will get your labido up. :) I will let you go read about the book yourself as I don't want to ruin it for you :P

Hope everybody has a great day!

